[Day 4/99]
I've been thinking a lot about cycles lately. Specifically, I've noticed that my life seems to follow 7 year cycles (give or take). 7 years ago this month, I was renting a temporary furnished apartment in Kew Gardens, Queens, NYC from a wonderful person named Kelly. I was just shy of two weeks away from getting divorced and starting my trip to Guatemala and Peru.
Life is funny sometimes. Here I am, renting a temporary furnished apartment in #anchorage, just shy of two weeks away from starting my trip to Mexico and Brazil. I took this picture tonight of the overpass by my AirBnB because it looks eerily similar to the one in Kew Gardens. #uncanny.
Life is an #upwardspiral. I marvel sometimes at how much I've changed in the last 7 years. But also how much #presentme is still struggling with the same issues that #pastme did. I wonder where I'll be in 7 more years, and what #futureme will think of #presentme.
I'll do my best to do me proud.